Decision making structures
Governing Council meets twice a term and includes staff representatives from MHS, two SRC representatives, Principal and six parent representatives. There is also a Finance subcommittee which meets before Governing Council.
The Personnel Advisory Committee (PAC) meets twice a term and more often if necessary.
The Leadership Team is comprised of the Principal, Deputy, Senior Leaders and Coordinators. It is responsible for the review and implementation of the Site Improvement Plan, forms a Curriculum and Timetable steering committee for the school and meets fortnightly. A group of Leadership including the Year level managers, Wellbeing Coordinator, Deputy and Principal meets on alternate fortnights as the Organisation Team to deal with administrative issues and decisions. Minutes are available on a shared google drive drive.
Staff meetings are held weekly with one or more of the following foci: Learning Teams, Faculty meetings, Administration, Training and Development.
The emphasis in school decision making practices is on consultation, collaboration and consensus.