Workplace Practices - Stage 2
Mandatory: No
Duration: Full year
Workplace Practices may be undertaken as a 10 credit (one semester) or 20 credit (year-long) subject at Stage 2.
This subject is highly suited for students planning to undertake tertiary study or for those students still considering their future options. It is also useful for those interested in gaining an Apprenticeship or undertaking studies at TAFE.
Students will develop their knowledge and understanding of the nature, type and structure of the workplace, including local, national and global workplaces.
A range of topics will be undertaken such as:
- Industrial relations and WHS
- Finding employment
- Work in Australian Society
- Workplace Learning & Training
- Workplace Issues
Students’ future aspirations and career pathways will be explored and mapped.
Students will participate in Workplace Learning situations eg. work experience, voluntary participation in a community organisation, events coordination or casual employment.
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