Creative Arts - Textiles - Stage 2
Mandatory: No
Duration: Full year
Students wishing to study this course will find at an advantage to have successfully completed a Stage 1 Textiles program.
Students investigate a variety of creative textiles techniques to explore different possibilities and inform their creative thinking. Students’ explorations and investigations into materials, techniques, processes, technologies, and products should be a feature of their project. Annotated reflective comments about all stages of the creative process demonstrate evidence of the development of their creative arts thinking.
The following assessment types enable students to demonstrate their learning in Stage 2 Creative Arts - Textiles:
- School based Assessment (70%)
Assessment Type 1: Product (50%) (performance, CD, recording etc) material which demonstrates their investigation, skill development and reflection
Assessment Type 2: Inquiry (20%) Students present one investigation in an area of arts practice of interest to them
- External Assessment (30%)
Assessment Type 3: Practical Skills (30%) Students conduct a focused exploration, application, and evaluation of a skill or skills appropriate to their preferred area of the creative arts
Please note: At Stage 2 students can study only one Creative Arts Subject.
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